Hydroseeding & Hydromulching
How can we help?
At Gippsland Soil Solutions we are committed to offering product solutions that are specifically tailored to your project needs. With a focus on sustainable and long-term outcomes, we provide reliable and effective Hydroseeding and Hydromulching for the mining, construction, agricultural and civil industries.
Our scientifically proven Hydroseeding and Hydromulching delivers successful, environmentally friendly outcomes. Our range of specially designed products aim to assist in increasing your businesses productivity, safety and sustainability.
Why Hydroseeding & Hydromulching?
Hydroseeding is the hydraulic application of seed, fertiliser, tackifier, organic carrier with water. Hydroseeding can apply seed as well as amendments in one pass and cover large areas relatively quickly. Hydroseeding can be used to revegetate areas that are difficult and/or dangerous to access. On sloped areas, the addition of a tackifier can assist with providing effective erosion control by helping the seed resist washing off and allowing the seed time to take hold and develop root system. The addition of soil amendments like fertiliser can also be applied with the seed to assist with seed establishment.
Hydroseeding can apply a variety of different seeds,
These can include:
- Perennial grass seed
- Golf course / turf seed
- Parkland
- Initial fast germinating seed for stabilisation/erosion
- tree seed
- Native grass seed
- Combination of fast germinating seed/cover crop and natives seed
Organic fibre and a tackifer is mixed with water to create our Hydromulching, which is then sprayed onto a receiving soil or clay surface. It’s applied in the same process as Hydroseeding, however denotes a heavier slurry or liquid. This helps stabilise the area from wind or water erosion.

Grow With Us
GSS Hydroseeding starts the seed germination process and when compared to traditional sowing, this may speed up the time for the plants root systems take hold. Combining seed with fertiliser, tackifier and an organic carrier usually allows for accurate seed placement and the organic blanket helps stabilises the soil surface until the seed takes hold. This blanket helps to provide the germinating seed with some moisture protection from drying out. It’s a quick method to revegetate a large area, whether a flat or sloped surface.
Our specialised hydroseeder truck provides outcomes that are safe, sustainable and environmentally responsible. We assess each job and tailor a solution to best suit the situation. We can tailor a solution using our soil testing service and provide soil science and agronomic advice.
GSS Hydromulching helps with erosion control. Application can occur in two ways — either directly from the truck or applied by hose to areas that have restricted access. It is an effective option for large areas that are either flat or sloped. It can also be used for erosion control, stabilisation of roadside batters, soil stockpiles, mine site rehabilitation and remediation of large industrial areas.
GSS Hydroseeding & Hydromulching is ideal for projects including:
- Erosion Control
- Roadside
- Mine site rehabilitation
- Remediation of large industrial areas
- Revegetating large areas
- Sowing areas with restricted access

Our Quality Promise
At Gippsland Soil Solutions we pride ourselves on applying routine testing and monitoring, making sure our Hydroseeding & Hydromulching reaches our highest standard for quality and consistency for your peace of mind.
GSS Hydroseeding & Hydromulching provides the following benefits:
- Initiates the germination process
- Pre application soil testing service available to determine better outcomes
- Moisture protection
- Encourages germinating seeds to anchor itself to the soil accessing soil water and nutrients
- Stabilises the area from wind or water erosion

What's in Hydroseeding?
- A combination of seed, and organic mulch, and tackifier mixed with water and applied as a spray onto the receiving
- A light soil mulch surface to spray on receiving soil surfaces
What's in Hydromulching?
- A combination of mixed mulch, water, and organic carrier and tackifier
- A heavy liquid designed to spray on receiving soil surfaces usually for stabilisation and eosion control